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Monday, August 11, 2008


I gaze at the fire as it hungrily consumes the waste papers I have gathered. Eagerly, it glows and transforms into a huge flame as it slowly yet intrepidly spreads out to consume more. Gradually, my trash is being burned. But unexpectedly, the breeze turns up seemingly conspiring against the activity. Madly, the wind is blowing in different directions. The scraps are being hurled away particularly, the remaining pile of lightweight rubbish.

The wind stops. The fire is extinguished. The wind has put it out. Or so I have thought, until I see smoke beginning to rise, chaining upwards. My conclusion is wrong. The fire has outlasted the gust of wind and lives.

My junks are spread all over the area. Once more, I hurriedly gather the scattered litter. The wind blows again. This time though, in a much controlled manner perhaps, realizing that a ritual of burning is being performed. It appears that the fire & I have found a new ally in the wind.

The wind whistles a blow. The fire loudly crackles. Indeed, it is a beautiful duet declaring sanitation as my scraps disappear. A sputtering sound can now openly be heard as the fire rages into a humongous blaze. It has gained spirit in the presence of the wind, gladly devouring what I consider trash.

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To give you an idea...

Rediscovering Life is a series of blogs originally created by the owner (Hooked) for her Friendster account. It is titled such because she figures that having lived for over 3 decades now already renders her qualified to be a life “guru” of some sort (LOL). She feels that one way or another, whatever it is that she documents in here will somehow have the relevance of either amusing, convincing, dissuading, educating, confusing, inspiring, influencing or fooling others.

On a personal level, Rediscovering Life reflects Hooked’s perception on just about anything. It also serves as an outlet for her. Hooked believes the therapeutic ritual of expressing and posting her own views here will keep her from eventually strangulating someone else’s neck (no pun intended—harharhar!) over provoking concerns, realizations and experiences.
