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Friday, August 29, 2008

Varicella or Apok?

At age 33, acquiring varicella (chicken pox) was complete torment. I had to be in isolation and believe me, it was the most excruciating experience I have ever had! Reading which I love to do, could not even keep me company at that time! Had it not been for my precious keyboard and my penchant for cross-stitching, I would have gone crazy! I remembered constantly hearing my daughter’s tiny voice melodiously conversing with other family members. The longing most especially for the presence of my little angel was torture.

My case began with one mid-sized blister-like inflammation appearing on my right shoulder. It then quickly proliferated like mushroom ruining whatever innate physical asset I have acquired from my parents.

According to my mother, I have had varicella as a child in consonance with the rest of my older siblings but only few blisters have appeared on me. Many believe that chicken pox occurs only once in a lifetime but in rare cases, according to our family doctor, recurrence happens. I have done my research on this matter and have found numerous medical sources confirming the claim.

My situation worsened on the second week of illness when I acquired cough so I ended up getting confined in the hospital for fear of severe health complications. The medical diagnosis was clear. I had varicella r/o pneumonia.

However, when older generations interfered and had me looked up by a “quack doctor”, the findings completely defied whatever existing medical research available on varicella. I had what quack medicine locally classifies as “apok. This happens when humans get accidentally smacked by invisible entities as they play. It is weird explanation and certainly unacceptable to those whose perspectives are medically partial. Consequently, apart from maintaining the medicines I got during hospital confinement, I also underwent “quack” therapy. I could not argue with the old folks about the latter so ceremonies had to be performed for my swift recovery.

Personally, I have always had reservations about quackery. However, during confinement I did recall the attending physician marveling about why my face was all swollen up when all lab tests showed figures within normal range. Hmmm… what do you think?

Anyway, whether what I had was varicella or apok, whether it was the IV medicines or the quack ceremony that healed me no longer matters. I am well now and that is what is important. Praise God!

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To give you an idea...

Rediscovering Life is a series of blogs originally created by the owner (Hooked) for her Friendster account. It is titled such because she figures that having lived for over 3 decades now already renders her qualified to be a life “guru” of some sort (LOL). She feels that one way or another, whatever it is that she documents in here will somehow have the relevance of either amusing, convincing, dissuading, educating, confusing, inspiring, influencing or fooling others.

On a personal level, Rediscovering Life reflects Hooked’s perception on just about anything. It also serves as an outlet for her. Hooked believes the therapeutic ritual of expressing and posting her own views here will keep her from eventually strangulating someone else’s neck (no pun intended—harharhar!) over provoking concerns, realizations and experiences.
