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Thursday, October 30, 2008

"Turning Japanese" ten years ago

[warning: this is not about The Vapors' popular song]

I set foot on Narita Airport ten years ago today (October 30, 1998).

I was then 24 and considered myself fortunate to have obtained an all-expense paid chance to travel abroad. It was my first time to go out of the country and though it was a brief stay and work-related, it was nonetheless one memorable experience.

My first four days were spent in Tsukuba Science City (Ibaraki, Japan) where I attended the 2nd International Network on Feminist Approaches to Bioethics at the University of Tsukuba. From there, I headed on to Tokyo as a participant to the 4th World Congress of Bioethics held at Nihon University.

That 9-day trip to Japan was a treat! I saw a different earth in that part of the equator. The language, culture and its people were incredibly fascinating. Nihonggo was difficult to understand yet the culture conveyed a great deal about the land and its people. Green tea, sake, tatami mats, artfully served Japanese cuisines, communal baths (that culture-shocked me!), Shinto temples, the world-renowned Imperial Palace, genuine Japanese kois and the Ainus—all these fed my senses like no other! It was undeniably one unique immersion.

While I was there, I also obtained an awesome crash course in high-tech living. Autoflushing toilets; cable cars; flashy fashion trends; humungous, colorful digital advertisements appearing on buildings; huge freeways; machine-generated fare receipts from taxi cabs with automatic doors; mountain trains; skyscrapers; state-of-the-art buildings; subways and the Shinkansen. All these educated me greatly on the enormous gap separating 3rd world reality from a highly-industrialized existence. I was swept away.

My comprehension and wits were certainly overwhelmed by the brief encounter I had with the country. I remember arriving there lost in translation—only the use of chopsticks felt right amidst Japanese skies. But now, oddly, I feel nostalgic… vividly recalling how in that country I have quietly experienced cloud nine on board one of its bullet train.

If an opportunity comes again, I will definitely go back. Fujiyama still awaits for my return… reminiscing how (regretfully) it hid itself from eyesight that foggy autumn morning I took the Hakone Tour with colleagues.


CaRmeL said...

wow ams, at least u have pictures even if hindi pa uso ang digital camera noon! hahaha...and u look the same pa rin 10 years later and i meant that in a positive way ha...parang hindi ka tumatanda, kainis! hmp!... :-)

Hooked said...

kaya nga, carms...I actually still have the negatives with me (in case I need to have the photos recopied-hahaha!). So out-dated, 'no? (LOL) Anyway, as to the looks, ano na lang ang use ng adobe photoshop, 'di ba? hehehe... Bitaw, uy... didn't I tell you I've found the fountain of youth long time ago? ssshhhh, quiet ka lang d'yan...(harharhar)

To give you an idea...

Rediscovering Life is a series of blogs originally created by the owner (Hooked) for her Friendster account. It is titled such because she figures that having lived for over 3 decades now already renders her qualified to be a life “guru” of some sort (LOL). She feels that one way or another, whatever it is that she documents in here will somehow have the relevance of either amusing, convincing, dissuading, educating, confusing, inspiring, influencing or fooling others.

On a personal level, Rediscovering Life reflects Hooked’s perception on just about anything. It also serves as an outlet for her. Hooked believes the therapeutic ritual of expressing and posting her own views here will keep her from eventually strangulating someone else’s neck (no pun intended—harharhar!) over provoking concerns, realizations and experiences.
